Mar 18, 2005

The Source of Fear and Denial...A Readers Post

I recently got an email regarding my last post that I would like to share with all of you. I found this post to be really unnecessary.

If you are out there are you take the time to read my blog and have the balls to tell ME to "get over it" then you are the very source and cause of why PEOPLE DO NOT TALK about miscarriage or recognize it as a HUGE LOSS.

YOU are the very source of denial and fear. It is by writing through the pain that I cope- and that frame does not have a time period.

How dare you.

Don't tell me to GET OVER losing my babies- Ever.

This is the post:

**Oh and whoever you are ... Next time- have the balls to post with your name so we can see you.

"I have read several of your pages, and I am so sad for you ~ it is truly a frightening, sad and completely random experience that effects a woman who has had a miscarriage. I know your pain and am sorry you have had to go through such trauma ~ but you need to get over this. I know that is blunt and seems callous, but you do. Life is a gift, and when the time is right for you and your man to have another opportunity to love and cherish another life, you will be given that chance. In the meantime, you need to heal yourself of this hateful state you have placed yourself in. You sound angry and irrational in your writings ~ and although this is a part of the healing process, until you get past it, you will never be healthy enough to try again. All things happen for a reason. Some reasons are hard to see, but they will teach you if you push past this angered state and search for the answer. "


Jenna said...

UGH!!!! I can not believe someone posted that to you. I am so sorry. That is so horrible. People can be such jerks. The nerve of them - and to not post there name!! I am so upset by this.. I can not imagine how you are feeling. I am truely sorry that you are having to deal with this.

KrimoJo said...

I just found you through A Beautiful Day's blog. This sounds like the same person who commented on another blog a couple of weeks ago that burned my butt so badly I couldn't help but post about it.

It's pretty funny that someone comments something like that on a site called MISCARRIAGE - um hello - this is the place we're working on this stuff - a place that we should be safe to express these feelings.

KrimoJo said...

Here's the post I'm referring to. Why is it always the anonymous ones?

Anonymous said...

Just came across you're blog.

I hate the "everything happens for a reason" crowd, may their bad kharma come back to bite them in the ass (for good reason).

Anonymous said...


Part of my whole disillusionment with blogging is reading posts like these from judgmental assholes.

"Get over it" from an unidentified person is as big a condescending bitch slap as it gets. Anonymous needs to work on his/her people skills and understand that we all perceive and process our experiences differently and unless (s)he's walked in your exact same shoes, (s)he needs to shut the fuck up.

Differences of opinion should always be welcome on a blog site; unsolicited assvice from someone who's never met you, hugged you, or talked for hours on end with you is just plain classless.

Anonymous owes you an apology.

Milenka said...

*hugs* I'm sorry people feel comfortable saying just about any stupid thing that comes to mind under the guise of anon. I totally understand how you feel, A! I miss your posts, and I hope you'll be back soon!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, your blog is the only thing that has made me feel half way normal.

Thank you for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Just so you know, your blog is the only thing that has made me feel half way normal.

Thank you for sharing.
