Mar 15, 2005

Endometrial Biopsy


I get to go in to my OBGYN in a few minutes for an Endometrial Biopsy...

My vagina is like a public science project.

Not cool.

I am now, after my horrifying experience with the HSG (battery acid shot into uterus) afraid of a speculum. Yep. I am done with the cold metal speculums that pry open my vagina on a regular basis in search of something. And how I love when the Doc's say "schoooch down."

Yeah... fuck... you schoooch down. I am done with stirrups and cotton swabs and needles and scales and pregnancy tests... SIGH...

So, I am going to take some vicadon for this journey... I am not a fan of popping pills- but when someone tells me it isn't going to be painful and it is the MOST painful thing I have ever experienced (HSG) and then they tell my that the Endometrial Biop will probably be painful... I'm gonna pop pills.

And that is that.

So... wish me luck.

I am not sure what this test will show. I am quite tired of the whole damn thing.

Popping pills now.


Anonymous said...

I have read several of your pages, and I am so sad for you ~ it is truly a frightening, sad and completely random experience that effects a woman who has had a miscarriage.

I know your pain and am sorry you have had to go through such trauma ~ but you need to get over this.

I know that is blunt and seems callous, but you do.

Life is a gift, and when the time is right for you and your man to have another opportunity to love and cherish another life, you will be given that chance.

In the meantime, you need to heal yourself of this hateful state you have placed yourself in. You sound angry and irrational in your writings ~ and although this is a part of the healing process, until you get past it, you will never be healthy enough to try again.

All things happen for a reason. Some reasons are hard to see, but they will teach you if you push past this angered state and search for the answer.

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