Feb 5, 2005

A Letter to TLC

**This is a letter I wrote to the Learning Channel when I was pregnant the first time in June 2004. I was entering a contest to have a room in our home decorated - we wanted a nursery but couldn't afford it.**

June 2004

We have been working on our house for 5 months- painting, putting in hardwood floors, getting new furniture...you name it. AND THEN WHAM!!! I found out I am pregnant, and the room we turned into a DEN now needs to be a nursery! We are exhausted, poor, and I want to surprise my husband because he has worked so hard on the rest of the house- this truly would be a treat, and a shock to him. I think doing a nursery that isn't too loud but more calm and peaceful; Zen like would be really fitting.

He has good taste. Right now, we have redone our home and have take away the clutter! It is very clean lined and simple. Bob is simple. He doesn't like clutter and he loves color. We have Orange, Blue, Lime Green on our walls now; Hey, it looks cool!

I want to change this room, because we are expecting our first child, and we didn't think we would be able to have children because I have had complications. It is a huge blessing. We have been working on our house for the better part of 5 months, and have drained our savings and thought we were done, when I found out I was pregnant we realized that we would need to create a nursery for our little one to come. The thought of painting one more wall, or moving one more piece of furniture makes my Husband cringe!! He has worked so hard, we both have and I want to surprise him!

I would create a need for a house sitting situation for him. Our friends would ask him to house sit in Boulder, CO. and they can stay at their parents house- which is close by, but pretend they are going on vacation. Their house is in Boulder where he works anyway, so it would be a nice change, he wouldn't have to commute 1 hour to work for those two days. It would be easy.

I am newly pregnant and am due in February. My husband and I met while I was out writing an article for the newspaper I was working for. I went to cover a story on "SPEED DATING" and Bob was my third date that night. We dated for two months, decided to get engaged and married after only knowing one another 6 months! It was love, instantly! We love to camp, and spend time with our dogs, and travel, though, we haven't done much of that, as we have both been in and out of work this past year. We were both laid off the day we came back from our honeymoon (from different companies!) and the first six months of marriage were really tough for use both. The economy in Denver has been so tough! I am now out of work, and taking it easy for my first trimester. BUT.. in 1 1/2 years, Bob and I met, dated, moved in together, got engaged, planned a wedding, got married, got laid off, got another dog, got jobs, I finished my contract, and then we got pregnant. We packed a whole life into 1 year!!! We have so much love for one another and are so good together. We make a great team. We are both college graduates, he from USC, me from Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO. He is a hard worker and is selling WIND for Choice Renewable Energy. When I am working, I am in Marketing and Sales, but I am also a writer! We are really looking forward to being parents, as we didn't think we would have this chance... and the little one, is due in February. How scary, wonderful, amazing, exciting life is right now!! I would be so happy to be chosen for this project- and I know it would make Bob the happiest man in the world. He is just finally getting rid of the blood blisters he acquired from laying our hard wood floors!

Thank you for listening!

My husband Bob loves to ride his beach cruiser that he has had since the 70's. He is also inspired by the notion and reality of family; he comes from a very non-traditional family that has been quite fragmented. He loves spending time with our two dogs, Luna and Levi, both a dream! He is a very hard worker, and is so gentle and genuine to people. He is the best husband a wife could ask for… I really mean it. He has so much integrity, and values the smallest, most simple things that so many overlook. I learn from him every day.

With Gratitude,

Ashley E. Underell

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