Feb 5, 2005

Hey Baby

July 14, 2004

Hey Baby,

It has been a few weeks since I wrote to you. Now, you are 10 ½ weeks old. Growing by leaps and bounds each day I am sure. Your father and I saw the first Ultra Sound about two weeks ago. We saw your little heartbeat, and your little body in my womb. It was beautiful. Striking actually. The ultrasound was a great experience- it confirmed for your Dad and I that you really are in there, and I haven’t actually been invaded by aliens and tranquilized! You are actually there and growing. When I saw you my first instinct was that you were a girl. NOW… if you are a boy, I am equally happy, we both are. But I had this over powering instinct that you were a little girl, and it was strange. Your father thinks you are a boy. Time will tell. But what really matters to use the most is that you are healthy! During this time that you have been growing inside of me, I have been growing too. I have learned so much. I have learned how precious and miraculous life is. It truly is. I have learned that even though I just took a nap, I could go right back to bed. OH, wait, I already knew that! I have learned that being pregnant is often tough on the body but really builds the spirit. There is something about pregnant women that people love… they want to take care of me. And do. People are so supportive and excited to meet you. I am too. At night, I mostly can’t sleep. I have insomnia, so I am awake and on the computer looking for jobs so that I can help your father with some income. He is working so hard… he is such a good man. I hope that you are like your father. When he comes home from work, he makes sure to kiss my belly and talk to you- but I bet you know this already. He rubs my belly, and I keep asking him “Am I showing?” But not yet. I think you are still a little one in there. Soon, I bet you will decide to have a spurt of growth and that is when I will look in the mirror and study my changing frame, and smile. I look forward to a pregnancy belly. I can’t believe women call it “fat.” Being pregnant should not even be in the same sentence as the word fat and it upsets me that so many people get hung up on that. I have taken good care of my body over the last 7 months, and hopefully you have a healthy home inside me… and when you come out, you will have a healthy home with your Dad and I. I can’t wait to kiss your eyes, and cuddle you. And call you my little monkey. Your Grandpa Ray called me little monkey all my life, still does. I hope you don’t mind? I love you so much it is incredible. So do the people in my life. Your Grandma Liz is so excited to meet you. We have some time yet, you need to grow and get strong and so do I. When you come to meet us, it will be the celebration of a lifetime. I am so happy you will be part of us. I must try now to go to sleep. Levi and Luna are watching over me every second of the day making sure I am smiling… and I am.

I love you baby,

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