Nov 28, 2005

Hurry Up and Wait

After several months of peeing on sticks and wishing, hoping, wishing that we would get pregnant... we are. We are pregnant!! Not that fertility has ever been the issue. Keeping the pregnancy is. We found out about two weeks ago. I have to say there isn't a whole lot of "celebrating" going on. I think it is self-preservation?

I am happy and scared and terrified and excited and hopeful and thankful and so very, very uncertain what will become of this pregnancy!

We are 5 1/2 weeks along...very new. We found a new OBGYN - she is great...she has been in practice for 30 years. She is from India and doens't mess around. So far, I have learned that I have a blood clotting disorder that my previous OBGYN's neglected to tell me, hmmm... so typical isn't it? My new OB is Dr. Varma, in Denver. She has been very proactive and has put me on baby aspirin, progesterone, and prednisone.

I don't know anything today... other than that I am TIRED. HUNGRY. SCARED. And waiting... to see if this is going to be a viable pregnancy??

This waiting in the wings is hard as hell.

Nov 10, 2005

Take Your Business Elsewhere!

People have now caught onto the BLOG. Now… like everything else people have to find a way to capitalize on something
and abuse its original intention.

I come to the space to write about MISCARRIAGE. I come here to talk about my feelings and emotions as they relate to having lost two pregnancies and how it affects my life, my family and my choices as a women.

I write about pain. I write about growth. I write about experiences that relate to LOSS. I research for resources and this has become a place that other people like to visit when they have experienced similar losses.

The people that are coming to this website and posting their business information make me FUCKING SICK!!! Do you have NO integrity? No heart?

You are so desperate to sell real estate, pills, drugs, mlm, whatever it is that you have to go to blogs and create links in people’s guestbook’s to appear as if you really give a fuck?

I get emails everyday now from this site- no, not from people who are actually reading it and maybe relating but from someone trying to sell something!

You have no idea the kind of boundary you have crossed. This is not your business board. This is not your forum to post messages
about ANYTHING that relates to YOUR BUSINESS. STAY OFF this website. Go somewhere else. Abuse another forum; not this one.

Stay the fuck out. This is my home. This is my space. You are not welcome.