Jun 7, 2005

As Is

I am at the point where I can hold babies and be around them. It feels like a giant leap. Something has lifted. I am doing better. It has been one year ago June 9th that I found out I was pregnant for the first time. I cannot believe how fast the year has gone and at the same time I can't believe how long and difficult the last year has been. On July 4th, I was supposed to give birth to a second child- conceived on my first anniversary. This won't happy. But other things good will. I will be surrounded by the people I love and I will have hope in my heart.

As of now there is no trying. No trying for a baby that is. We want to focus on our lives, our jobs and the home we are selling and the one we are potentially buying- if all goes well. Maybe then we can make another nest and give it our best shot.

No more tests for me... not for a while.

Just life. Just as is.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Hey Ashley, good luck as this anniversary looms ahead. Anniversaries are tough.

I'm glad you're able to be around babies more now. I can't say it's ever really easy for me around newborns, even now that I have one. Still brings up too many hard feelings.

Good luck with the new house, too.