Jan 18, 2005

So Don't Mess With MY Hormones....


So two weeks after a miscarriage it would be in MY humble and non-doctor opinion to NOT take any form of birth control pills or patch. Not only are your hormones so totally messed up as it is, adding more hormones to the confused mix is the makings of a train wreck. Yes my friends- a train wreck.

After the D&C they put me on the patch (
www.orthoevra) even though I specifically told them that I do NOT do well on Birth Control pills or hormone suppliments. After 4 weeks on the patch I was suicidal. (See earlier post) Yes, I have been sad and angry and in total shock at the loss of two pregnancies in six months but I went from coping to wanting to die in three weeks flat.

So, just a word of advice... if anyone is out there- please be careful. I think we all believe that Doctor's know all or have our best interest at heart, but really, they don't. This is just one experience among many that I can share where my best interest was actually of no interest at all.

I ripped the patch off on Sunday night and I feel so much better it is amazing! Totally baffles me how much chemicals can affect human beings. My moods are evened out and I am not crying non-stop, nor am I wishing I had my bags packed for the ole' pearly gates. I am calm and comfortable in my grief and happy to be moving on each day.

Sleep well,
Ashley E. Underell

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